Chronicle - Month 5 of Tafinlar and Mekinist

Month 5 was similar to the last 2 months.
But we finally got a grasp on the fevers. This was with the help of steroids. I needed 15mg per day in the end. There is a long post detailing this on the blog. 

I've been fever free for just over a week now. And haven't paused chemo in 25 days. 

As far as other side effects go for month 5, my joint pain continues in my wrists, fingers, ankles, knees, and hips from time to time. It hops around. Occasionally to my wrist and fingers as well. It typically lasts a few days per area.

I continue to need naps on most days. I absolutely crash where I can't function until I nap for one to two hours. Then I am refreshed.

In addition, I still have minor side effects such as bloating at times, sore mouth at times, and some skin issues such as a sebaceous hyperplasia bump on my shoulder. I'm sure there are other small side effects that I am forgetting to mention, but those are the more impactful ones.

Overall, nothing too bad. Nothing that would make me stop it or pause it.  I am thankful that the fevers seem to be under control now.

I think by this time in this treatment, you kind of know most of the side effects that you are going to get. At least that is my impression and has seemed true. 

Scans are coming up in a couple of days as month 6 starts. I always get nervous. Especially since this time, we lowered my dose in October due to fevers. And I had to pause the chemo so often for the fevers. 

Fingers crossed! Prayers being sent! 


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