My Side Effects of Tafinlar and Mekinist - Joint Swelling/ Pain

One of my more significant side effects has been joint pain. This didn't start until Month 3. So a bit late for side effects but it has been consistent through to the start of month 6 now. 

My joints can swell a bit, get lumps/ pain. It's usually only on one side of my body at a time, but can be both. It affects my wrists, fingers, knees, and ankles mostly. Occasionally my hips. My wrists and ankles get the lumps or knots mostly, always along with pain. 

It can be pretty painful. For example, it can hurt to walk if my knees or ankles are bad. Or hurt to pick anything up if my finger or wrist pain is bad. 

Unfortunately, I haven't found a good solution yet. Cupping doesn't help this sort of pain much. Tylenol helps some but not a lot. Creams don't help much. So I just let it pass.

It tends to last for 3 to 5 days then goes on to the next joint. Sometimes I have days of no joint pain. 

While it's significant, it's not something I can't live with, I just have to adjust my day some at times if I would have been doing something that uses the joint that hurts that day. 

It's so odd how it's unpredictable and hops around from joint to joint. But I am fairly used to it. And tend to not worry too much about it, I just go with it. It can slow you down some though, but I figure not unlike arthritis would be. 

If you find something that helps, please email and let me know! 


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