CT Scans - After 5 Months of Tafinlar and Mekinist

My last CT scans were after 2 months. They were great. At that point the tumors shrunk 15-50%. 

We waited 3 months to repeat the CT scans this time due to all of the pausing with the fevers. It was a short visit with my oncologist. But a positive one. 

Tafinlar and Mekinist are still working. Even though we lowered the dose to 100mg twice a day of Tafinlar and 1.5mg once a day of Mekinist. And despite pausing so much due to fevers.  

This time the tumors shrunk 10 to 15%. And again, the cancer did not spread. 

I'm hoping for even better news next time, if I can remain on the medications with no fevers or reasons to pause it. 

He said I am doing great and "I'm on cruise control" now. So I take that as good news and seeming that we kind of have a good feel for it and a rhythm of sorts.

My oncologist did mention that he wants me to try reducing the 15mg of steroids (prednisone) when I can. 

They have been helping to overcome the fevers but aren't great to be on long term. I am experiencing bloating and weight gain, for example. And there are many other side effects that can go with it. In fact, in the summer, during my previous chemo, prednisone gave me cataracts! So I'll try to lower to 10mg when I can and see how it goes. 

I'm not sure how that will go since I've had so many fevers in past months. High enough to pause the chemo multiple times. But I'd rather be on a lower dose too! So, fingers crossed.

I'm praying for more good results next time! We do scans every 2 to 3 months. 


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