Info - Storage and Travel Temps for Tafinlar and Mekinist

I never knew this but apparently all medications have been tested for the minimum and maximum temperatures they can be stored at for purposes of travel such as transporting it to you.

This is called Excursion Data.

Below is information on these two medications that I obtained from my pharmacy via a phone call. I cannot promise that it's accurate or reliable, so please feel free to check for yourself.

Best stored at: 
68-77 degrees Fahrenheit away from any moisture. In original bottle.

It is absolutely not recommended to be above or below those temperatures. 

Excursion temperatures range from 59 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit for up to 6 months with no impact. If in the original bottle. 

They did report that it was tested between 59-104 degrees Fahrenheit for 3 months with no impact. But this was in a sealed bottle. 

Best stored at: 
36-46 degrees Fahrenheit away from any moisture. It needs to be refrigerated. In its original bottle. 

In fact they said do not keep it in the door of the refrigerator but in a more stable temperature area inside. 

It is absolutely not recommended to be above or below those ideal temperatures. 

Excursion temperatures range from 48 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit for up to 30 days with no impact.

They did report that it was tested between the following temperatures while in a sealed bottle. 

- Between 78 to 104 degrees Fahrenheit for 1 day with no impact.

- Between -4 - 36 degrees Fahrenheit for 7 days with no impact. 

Again, please check with your pharmacy.

This is only meant as an example based on my phone call. But you may get varying information. 

The idea is to let you know that there is a such thing as excursion temperatures which may allow you to take it with you while out for the day or traveling. 

However please do your best to keep it at the ideal temperatures always. 


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