Plan for Tafinlar and Mekinist - Hours to Take The Pills

It's important to think ahead about the times that are best to take these medications.  Especially since Mekinist needs to be refrigerated. 

Tafinlar needs to be taken twice a day. 12 hours apart. 

Mekinist needs to be taken once a day, with Tafinlar. And must be refrigerated. 

Both need to remain in their original containers. 

They both need to be taken on an empty stomach which means no food (only water) for 2 hours before and also no food (only water) for 1 hour after. 

My schedule is:
8:30am - Tafinlar
8:30pm - Mekinist and Tafinlar 

I found that Mekinist makes me more tired so I prefer to take it at night. 

This means I can take any other meds that I need 1 hour after this each morning, at 9:30am. Once I've waited for one hour after taking this. 

And it means I need to be done eating dinner by 6:30pm so there are 2 hours with no food before I take these medications at 8:30pm.  

This will need to be well thought out depending on your schedule. What medications you take daily, and if you are home. 

It is possible to take them with you, in their original bottle, for the day but watch temperatures. I posted about excursion data in another post. 

I'd plan this out as well as you can before you start so that you can stick to a routine.

I set alarms for the times I take them so I never risk forgetting. I use my phone for this since it's always with me.  


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