Info - What are Tafinlar and Mekinist?

Cancer occurs when normal cells in the body start to grow and multiply uncontrollably, forming clumps and tumors. In normal cells, the process of cell death (apoptosis) happens naturally when cells reach the end of their lifespan, but cancer cells don't follow this pattern.

Targeted therapy drugs are designed to treat cancer by focusing on the specific gene mutations that are causing the cancer. Tafinlar (generic name Dabrafenib) and Mekinist (generic name Trametenib) are two such drugs made by Novartis that are used together to treat solid cancer tumors that have spread and that are caused by a BRAF gene mutation.

Tafinlar works by blocking the growth of cancer cells and inducing cell death, while Mekinist helps prevent the development of resistance to Tafinlar. These drugs are part of the chemotherapy class of treatments, but unlike traditional chemotherapy, they are taken orally in pill form.

Tafinlar is taken twice a day and Mekinist once a day and are intended to be taken for the patient's lifetime. It's important to note that these drugs can have serious side effects, similar to those seen with traditional chemotherapy. I write about my personal side effects from these drugs on this blog.

Note: I am not a medical professional, and the information provided here should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult a doctor for any questions or concerns regarding your health.


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